A Short List of the Excuses Students Give For Paying Tuition Late

Amy Jenkins
May 9, 2024

We know the reasons that students say they pay their tuition late - we hear these every time we speak with the Bursar, Director of Student Accounts or Director of Student Financial Services and they are consistent with our survey of over 500 students:

But more fun? The excuses they give.  We’ve been asking leaders for the past few weeks for their best excuses, and here are our top 10.

10. I didn’t know I owed anything

9. But I have financial aid

8. College should be free

7. I forgot what day it was

6. I was on vacation and didn’t have access to my computer.

5. I was at home and didn’t have access to my computer.

4. The bill didn’t make sense so I didn’t pay it

3. I don’t know my password.

2. I had a kidney transplant…so was really busy

1. I went to the bank to get the money but my cat ran out of the car and while I chased it someone stole the money I had put into the car.  My cat is fast.  Look.  Here is a picture.

Frustrating to chase down those late payments? YES. But also hard sometimes to keep a straight face? Also yes.

Here's finding humor in the every day. And here's to students paying their bills!

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