Why Meadow Won Grand Valley State's Vendor Due Diligence

“The Meadow Net Price Calculator has given us a more effective way to engage students when they're even freshmen or sophomores in high school, which we never could do before. That’s been a huge win for us.”

Michelle Rhodes
AVP, Financial Aid

Results from working with Meadow


in the research phase of college search


estimates completed


completion rate


complete in under 2 minutes

“I’ve been behind the scenes with multiple net price calculators and this one is by far the best…it was a no-brainer for us.”
Michelle Rhodes
AVP, Financial Aid

How would you rate your experience working with Meadow?


How likely would you be to recommend Meadow to other institutions?


What made you choose Meadow over all other existing net price calculators?

First it was Meadow’s desire to get into the space and make it better. A lot of institutions approach the net price calculator as something they just need to have as a compliance checkbox. So the bar has been pretty low for the product and all other vendors offer it as one of eight or more products, but Meadow is specialized. The company had a clear interest in putting something great in front of students that could also benefit our ability to track interest and generate leads.

Meadow had a clear interest in putting something great in front of students that could also benefit our ability to track interest and generate leads.

We get more analytics than we could with anyone else and I think that's where it really can grow to help us as an institution. The usability of the Meadow product also really stood out to me, it’s consumer-friendly, it’s easy to navigate, and it speaks to students in the way they are used to. And on top of that you were able to configure it to our specific methodology, which has made it incredibly accurate for any student who uses it.

Meadow just set itself apart in usability, look and speed overall. I’ve been so impressed with the product.

How does the NPC help Grand Valley better serve its students and families?

Meadow correlated with a lot of the initiatives that we're doing in the university to help families with more financial clarity so it made a lot of sense for us. Meadow has given us a net price calculator that we can actually promote. When families used to ask, “do you have a net price calculator,” it was like, “yep” but we didn't really want to promote it. It was kind of hidden because we knew it didn’t work very well, so for me, Meadow changes our landscape completely. Now I can feel proud of this and actually encourage students to use it.

Why did Grand Valley switch from its existing NPC and what has the difference been like?

Before, the net price calculator was never something that I would have even talked to anyone about. But already our VP for admissions and recruitment has been really interested in the data behind it and we discuss it all the time. With Meadow, it’s become a tool that we can promote and use to engage families early on. Grand Valley State is generous with its aid and it can be at such a great price point, but most students wouldn’t know that from looking at our website. And so, you know, this is another way that we can engage students when they're even freshmen or sophomores in high school, which we never could do before and that’s a huge win for us.

The Meadow Net Price Calculator has given us a more effective way to engage students when they're even freshmen or sophomores in high school, which we never could do before. That’s been a huge win for us.

Also Meadow’s price point was just more attractive than most other vendors anyway, so from our perspective it was a no brainer. Why would we pay more for something else when we think this is a better product anyway? 

How has your transition been from the existing NPC to Meadow?

It truly felt like a partnership and not just a typical vendor relationship.

Normally when we take on new vendors it can be a bit scary because you have no idea how much work it will create, but with Meadow it was so easy. You always stayed one step ahead and everything was planned for us, so we didn’t end up having to do very much at all. We actually enjoyed working with your team through the configuration process as well. It truly felt like a partnership and not just a typical vendor relationship.

How has your transition been from the existing NPC to Meadow?

We love that there’s this mutual benefit to Grand Valley State and the families we serve. They’re getting more clear and accurate information, and we’re getting all this amazing data and communicating much more effectively from the very start of the enrollment process.

Why Meadow Won Grand Valley State's Vendor Due Diligence

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